Front View of Thomas House

Ward-Thomas Museum

Ohio Association of Historical Societies and Museums

Five images of buildings and grounds

Haydu Gas Station

Ward — Thomas Museum
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Haydu Service Station at Robbins Avenue and North Main Street.

Haydu Service Station at Robbins Avenue and North Main Street.

Bill Haydu Gas Station.
Full service is a phrase that has become a thing of the past but that is not so at Haydu’s service station in downtown Niles at 210 North Main Street. Bill Haydu eventually bought in 1974 the building that originally housed the Rose Auto Service back in 1933.

His interest in cars goes back many years as depicted by the picture hanging on the wall in his establishment. It shows Bill next to a 1937 Buick that he bought from a farmer that was using it to pull stumps out of his yard. At age 22, he was working for his father and going to college. He decided to go into his father’s business. The station was located where the Holeton Yuhasz Funeral Home parking lot is located.

Bill Haydu with his white Thunderbird.

Bill Haydu with his white Thunderbird.

Previous location of Haydu service station located at the corner of West Park Avenue and Arlington Stree

Previous location of Haydu Gulf service station located at the corner of West Park Avenue and Arlington Street near Holeton-Yuhasz Funeral Home which bought the property to expand their parking area. ca 1974.

In the office area of the station there is a collection of antique automobile memorabilia. On display in various places are oilcans, tire jacks, gasoline signs such as Gulf, Sinclair, and Pennzoil. There are many other artifacts that deal with cars and car maintenance from the past.

Make sure if you use the services of Haydu and Son that you take a peek into the office and view all the wonderful items from years ago. You will be greeted by a smile and a friendly manner that has been Bill Haydu’s trademark for so many years.

The loud ‘Ding-Ding’ signal bell alerted the garage mechanic that a car had entered the station and needed the attendant to pump the gas, check the tires and oil level, and clean the windshield. That was the full-service given in the good-old-days long past to the customer who stopped for gas.



Driveway signal bell.

Driveway signal bell.

Tire pressure pump gauge.

Tire pressure pump gauge.

Hanging kerosine lamp and wick.

Hanging kerosine lamp and wick.

Car jack with gears to rotate screw shaft.

Car jack with gears to rotate screw shaft.

Display rack of oil cans.

Display rack of oil cans.

Oil can and various tools.

Oil can and various tools.

Model of Pennzoil gasoline pump.

Model of Pennzoil gasoline pump.

Huffman one quart radiator fill can.

Huffman one quart radiator fill can.

Blow torch.

Blow torch.


Lithographed metal sign of service station.

Lithographed metal sign of service station.

View of shelf with various items.

View of shelf with various items.

Back exterior view of Haydu station.

Back exterior view of Haydu station.

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