Front View of Thomas House Five images of buildings and grounds
Ohio Association of Historical Societies and Museums

Tour the Ward-Thomas Museum and Grounds
Home of the Niles Historical Society
503 Brown Street
Niles, Ohio 44446

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Formal front door of Ward-Thomas Museum
Formal front door of
the Ward-Thomas Museum

The first Sunday of each month, the Ward-Thomas Museum is open to the public. The main house, barn, greenhouse, gardens, grounds and other out-buildings may be investigated. The main house tour features the history of the rooms and contents by docents

Additionally, individual families, groups and school classrooms may schedule a tour by contacting the Museum curator:

eMail Us

Phone: 330.544.2143

Mail: PO Box 368 Niles, Ohio 44446

Mannequin dressed in authentic reproductions of the gowns worn by the Presidential wives

The main house rooms contain furniture, fireplaces and period archtecture, mannequins dressed in authentic reproductions of the gowns worn by the Presidential wives, items in use during the time period of the families who lived there; in addition many rooms feature original games, books, wallpaper and memoribilia of the Ward and Thomas families.

Upstairs bedroom of Ward-Thomas Museum
Interior of second bedroom on the second floor of the Ward-Thomas Museum. Some visible articles are: wicker wheel chair, bedroom set, bed cover, hats, brushes and combs.

Carved spindle bed in upstairs room of Ward-Thomas Museum

Located on the second floor of the Ward-Thomas Museum in the first bedroom is a small spindle bed and covers.

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