Front View of Thomas House Five images of buildings and grounds
Special Events Calendar
Ohio Association of Historical Societies and Museums

Ward — Thomas Museum
Home of the Niles Historical Society
503 Brown Street Niles, Ohio 44446

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E-Mail Us Phone: 330.544.2143

Mail: PO Box 368 Niles, Ohio 44446

Individual Membership: $20.00
Family Membership: $30.00
Patron Membership: $50.00
Business Membership: $100.00
Lifetime Membership: $500.00
Corporate Membership:
Call 330.544.2143

Niles Register Masthead

The Niles Register is the official newsletter of the Niles Historical Society and is published six times/yearly.

To view samples of a full newsletter and directions on becoming a member of the Niles Historical Society, click here

Do you love the history of Niles, Ohio and want to preserve that history and memories of events for future generations?

Click here to donate:

As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your donation is tax deductible. When you click on the Donate Button, you will be taken to a secure Website where your donation will entered and a receipt generated.


Read or Download:

Niles Historical Society
5-Year Strategic Plan








Calendar of Events:

On display at the Ward–Thomas Museum is a collection of fans from
Margaret “Margo” Thomas Mills,
daughter of
Edward Morgan Thomas and Mary Jeanette Thomas.

Open House: Sunday, January 5, 2025
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM, last tour begins at 4:00 PM

Business Meeting: Saturday, January 11, 2025
10:00 AM in the Westenfield Room

February, March and April:
Business Meetings are scheduled for the first
Saturday of the Month at 10:00 AM
In the Westenfield Room.
All are welcome to attend.

Open House is scheduled for the first Sunday of the Month.

However, this is dependent on weather conditions.
Freezing temperatures and heavy snow falls are a
detriment to public safety and access to the property.

For further updates visit the Niles Historical Society website or Facebook page.

The Society will gladly publish stories of the
accomplishments of current or former residents of Niles.
Contact: Anna Marie Beagle

A membership drive is
currently being held.

Memberships Available:

The yearly membership drive is underway with fees of $20 for individuals, $30 for families, $50 for patron level, $100 for businesses and organizations and $500 for life memberships. Memberships support the society's programs and includes the bimonthly newsletter.

For more information call:

Sandy at (330) 652–8329 or
Anna Marie at (330) 856–8274.
Please leave a message and we will contact you.

Tours of the Ward-Thomas Museum for groups will be scheduled as requested. We have frequent requests for private tours from those visiting the area, various organizations and church groups.

Please call Sandy (330) 652-8329 or
Anna Marie (330) 719 -5716 to schedule a tour.

The Society will gladly publish stories of the accomplishments of current or former residents of Niles.
Contact: Anna Marie Beagle

Thank you!

We have met our goal for preserving the Whitehouse Ladies gowns.




Celebrating 161 Years

That is correct! I was born in 1862, during the Civil War days. James Ward built me on this little knoll and here I have been ever since in the town of Niles, Ohio.

Mr. James Ward was an industrial leader in Niles and came here in 1841 when only 300 people lived here. He founded the Ward Iron Manufacturing Company and he and his family lived in a house on Main Street (where the "Farmers Bank" now stands).

Mr. Ward built me on the property on the south side of the Mahoning River at 503 Brown Street. He used square nails, which were manufactured in his factory to hold my boards together that were cut from trees on the property. The double front doors were designed with windows which could be opened to allow the north breeze to blow in and race up the staircase in the main hall to cool the upper rooms in the summer. Mrs. Ward's brother designed the frosted glass panels in the door. He was a glass maker in Pittsburgh.

Look up at my decorative designs on the porch and the cornices under the roof as you pass by. You will not see any buildings like that today. Inside, the decorative plaster mouldings in the ceiling are exquisite designs from a hand carved wooden form. My walnut staircase in the main hall is a thing of beauty also.

I have remained the way I was built with little change since 1862. Well, they had to change a few things, such as the windows that were low to the floor. They had to be raised for the placement of radiators when they changed to hot water heat. Before then they heated me with fireplaces in most every room. Of course changes were made when they installed running water and electric wiring into my walls too. There was a large 2 story "outdoor kitchen” building at the back of my house that was removed in 1925. The ladies would cook in there to prevent the open fires from burning down the main house. It was a nice building to dry the clothes in the winter, too.

John R. Thomas
, founded the Niles Firebrick Company in 1871. He and his wife, Margaret purchased my property in 1887. Members of their family lived here till 1969, caring for me throughout the years. I've had many people pass through my doors to enjoy the hospitality of all the families that have lived here, even Presidents of the United States have visited here.

I have seen a lot of things happen in the town of Niles, Ohio. Yes, I've seen floods and tornadoes pass right by me, and here I have stood for 150 years. In 1907 there was a flood and again in 1913 another flood came close to my door. A tornado went through in 1947 and another one in 1985. There has been a lot changes in Niles through the years, and the people who take care of me now are preserving that colorful story. They are the Niles Historical Society volunteers and they renamed me "Ward-Thomas Museum".

Come visit me at 503 Brown Street in Niles, Ohio 44446 .

There will be people wandering all through my 14 rooms which are filled with displays. It will take you about 1 1/2 hours to tour the museum. I am always open on the first Sunday of every month. Donation $5.00 for adults with children under 12 free if accompanied by an adult.

See you on Sunday, at the public "Open House" 2-5 pm.

You may E-Mail Us or call 330-544-2143 for more information
Or schedule a private tour.

Gift Ideas:
Society memberships may be obtained for $20.00 an individual and $30.00 for a family. All are welcome to join. Members receive the newsletter six times/year and free admission to the Ward-Thomas Museum when open on the first Sunday of the month.

Gifts with a Niles' History connection. Click on link below:

Try one of the many Niles Historical books.

Books vary in price.

Sample of book content

'A Pictorial History of the Buildings of Niles Ohio'

Over 200 pages and 400 high resolution photographs

To order your book call: Sandy at: 330.652.8329
Niles Historical Society Office at: 330.544.2143

or Email Us

Price: $40.00 local pickup or $45.00 shipped

To save on shipping costs, all of the listed books are available for purchase at any Ward-Thomas Museum open house.
Shipping/Mailing costs are $5.00 for each book ordered.

Please make checks out to: Niles Historical Society
Send your name, address and phone number, and check to cover costs to:

Niles Historical Society
P. O. 368
Niles, Ohio 44446

Thank You




1924 Green House


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